In readiness for the coming season our rating team have been busy completing additional training in conjunction with England Golf. This was a joint session with the teams from both Lancashire and Cumbria.
The team had a recent get together at Silverdale GC, where key members of the England Golf rating team went through some of the new changes in rating courses. The process carries a huge amount of detail, being extremely thorough in the assessment of every hole, fairway, greens, obstacles, penalty areas and much more, and our volunteers who carry out this work on behalf of the county are an integral part of our support to our clubs in this area. They work tirelessly through the season, and as one of the largest counties, have around 15 clubs to asses every year as a minimum.
The work on the day does not stop there, with post visit calculations to complete and submit, so we are all very grateful to everyone who gives up their time on this valuable and essential work.